VHF Spring Sprint
The Central States VHF Society is proud to sponsor the 2024 Spring Sprints!
Your Central States VHF Society Spring Sprints Committee: Kent O'Dell, KA2KQM Mike Metroka, WB8BZK Jon Platt, W0ZQ
AA2SD/R Sprint as a Rover During the 2 Mtr Sprint
AA2SD-R- 144 MHz VHF Sprint Monday April 1, 2024 - This was my first VHF Sprint as a Rover operating from 2 local grid squares. Very good activity from Pack Rats, I had a total of 62 contacts in 7 Grids from FN20 and FM 29. I also worked a number of contacts on the go with a simple Halo antenna with the roof rack. I worked the contest from 7PM to 11PM. All contacts were made on phone, and I tested FT8 from the Rover in the last 15 minutes and made 3 contacts. For this sprint I used an ELK 5 Element Log Periodic antenna and a Halo mounted on my roof rack. I use the ELK, as it assembles very quickly, it's lightweight with good gain, and it can be used with a fiberglass push up pole on location.
Now I know why they call it a Sprint, I had limited time to video, with the driving, QSO's , and antenna set up...Lots of Fun as my First Sprint !
Thanks to all that worked me during the Sprint Sprint
62 Total Contacts Phone, 3 FT8
7 Grid Squares
FT991 A 50 Watts using a Elk 2 Mtr Small Beam
On the Go Halo Antenna on the Roof Rack
Lots of Mud in the field !
Quick You Tube of Set up during the Sprint