Activation Plan

Spotting Page

Follow my activation plan for my next POTA event 

Go to  the Spotting Page and look up K2AA to find which frequency is being used for the activation. I will change the spot as I move from one frequency to another during the park activation.

You can also spot me on the frequency,  if we have had a QSO from the Park.  I have listed my next park activation with the date and planned bands to activate. 

Always check the spotting link, as  the frequency may change on operating conditions and local QRM.

I look forward to working you from my next park !


AA2SD - operator for K2AA Pota

Visit the Spotting Page and look up K2AA  if you can find me on the  listed frequencies' below

Thank You for the QSO's  we activated all (4) bands at the park today,