Microwave Spring Sprint 2024

Directive Systems Loop on a Push Up Pole in the BackYard. The small spider-like vertical appendage on the top  is a home-brew 1296 ground plane mounted directly onto a connector for omni-directional signals.

Final Sprint  Summary Microwave Summary AA2SD/R 

AA2SD - Microwave VHF Sprint  Saturday May 4  2024 Summary  -  I participated for the first time in the Microwave Sprint during Saturday morning with one band 1296.1. I am a complete newbie to the microwave bands and have a lot of learning and growing ahead. I was able to make a total of (3) contacts with KC3BVL and WB2RVX, and N3RG with a  maximum distance 31.6 miles. Having an ICOM 9700 with 10 watts, and a 70 feet line, non microwave switch, in the attic did not help.

 I also deployed a Directive Systems looper antenna in the backyard, but surprisingly the “cheap yagi” homebrew antenna proved to be a better alternative.  Well I now have a stake in the ground for measurement, and improvements on my compromised station. I was delighted to make (3) contacts and participate from my home shack.  My congratulations to all of those Rats that operate in this challenging category. I look forward to working you during the 6 Mtr Sprint and June VHF contest as a Rover

Home Brew Yagi Built for 1296.1