Local Nets

Participate in a Local Net within the Southern New Jersey and Pennsylvania Areas

FM nets on the K2AA repeater, 145.290- MHz, PL 91.5Hz. Monday Nets

Fusion nets on the K2UK repeater, 146.865- MHz, PL 131.8Hz. DN Mode (AMS Off)

SSB Simplex Nets


The Pack Rats Nets The Pack Rats initiated VHF nets on Monday night the first year the club was formed. The nets are now conducted on Monday and Tuesday nights of each week. The nets are open to all radio amateurs. The purpose of the nets is to promote activity and share information of a common interest to the VHF community. You do not have to be a member of the club to participate in any of the Pack Rat nets!

Monday Night Pack Rats Nets

Jim's  KC3BVL Friday Night Nets